My Inspiration for Photography- A preliminary task

Before taking pictures for the magazine cover we searched on the internet looking for different sorts of inspirations in order to figure out what we would want our photographs to look like.

This was one of the images that depicted the type of photography i wanted to do and show in my magazine. The expressions of the child in these images are phenomenal, it shows clearly how preschool life can be. Though there is a common understanding for us that in preschool students aren’t given so many books, its just the basics that they are taught. Also, the images show how children enjoy being in school around their friends, playing around and learning new things everyday. They feel fresh and energized and this image definitely shows the energy they have.


This is another image that shows high-school student life. It shows how school isn’t only about academic performance but also about being able to enjoy the free time hanging out with friends, talking about and discussing things apart from studies. High- school is not only about being drowned in books, they are also given chances to prove themselves excellent in other activities such as different sports, dramatics, art, photography etc. This picture very clearly portrays the lighter side of student life and that is one of the things i can show on my magazine cover.


The colours of this image are very very crisp and stand out well with the way the character is presented. This scenario is possibly of a library where a student is looking for books to read and enjoy the leisure time she has. The background has been very efficiently blurred which allows the character to look sharp and it clearly shows the expressions of the character and that she is not bored but is enjoying being in school. Also, we need to realize that the school library has books of different genres to attract students to read them and find out what interests them the most.

These are the three image references that attracted me the most keeping in mind a student magazine. These images depict student life in the best possible manner and how at every stage from being a toddler to a high-school student, school can be enjoyed as it is the best time of ones life. Something like these images is what i would like to show in my magazine.