Introduction: Starting Off

I’m Fatima Ali, just another 17- year old, who just started A levels at Learning Alliance. I’m nothing more than an average teenager who’s much more interested in being a part of co- curricular and extra- curricular activities rather than being completely absorbed in course books. My main idea of what i wanted to do was fine art till the second year of my O’ levels but with time, exposure to internships and media itself dragged me to taking up media in my A level and i don’t regret changing my decision. I believe media is much more interesting and since there’s always so much going on it just gives us a chance to give our point of view and let’s us explain what we believe which boosts our confidence level to a huge extent. I, as an individual always preferred fine art but that was only because i was good at it, but then taking up challenges is what i love.  I was recently an internee at an advertisement/ event management firm, “Urimage”. I got a chance to spend time with new people and learn how one small project can be so much more successful than what is already a huge business. Researching about various projects and promoting events everyday on social networks, allowed me to converse with people with different interests and i don’t regret giving up my summer for such an internship. It has given me the confidence i need to grow further and come up as a successful human with an entirely different way of expressing myself. I hope to enjoy my two years of media studies- have a lot of fun and learn a million things and become something i want to be because that’s what we are taught at our institution, being who you are. In the first class of media studies we got an introduction of what media studies basically is. The main task we have is to make a magazine. There must be a front page, content page and a double spread page of the new magazine. All images and text used in the magazine must be original and produced by the candidate.  All the tasks done to prepare the magazine should be posted on the blog to ensure that all the work has been done by the students and not any professional.

The preliminary task for the media studies project is to produce a cover page and content page for a school magazine using an image manipulation program, such as photoshop. Additionally we must produce a mock-up of the layout of the content page to demonstrate the understanding of the program.

The marking criteria is as follows:
The unit is marked out of 100: 20 marks for the presentation of the planning and research; 60 marks for the construction; 20 marks for the evaluation.

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A level media student @ Learning Alliance.

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